Same old question about slider

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Same old question about slider

Postby Prashant » 22 Jan 2014, 04:01

I want to change the price value that appears in the "slider" to the field "price" in the search form.
I want to put 50.000,00 (fifty thousand) minimum and 10.000.00,00 (ten million maximum)
Where could I set this up?

I can't find 1) file spesified by previous post even not code any of them
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Re: Same old question about slider

Postby fisher » 23 Jan 2014, 12:35

the file protected/views/site/_search_field_price.php
you need to turn this code
Code: Select all
$priceAll['price_min'] = isset($priceAll['price_min']) ? $priceAll['price_min'] : 0;
$priceAll['price_max'] = isset($priceAll['price_max']) ? $priceAll['price_max'] : 1000

Code: Select all
priceAll['price_min'] = 50000;
$priceAll['price_max'] = 1000000
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