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Removal of QR Code on Print Page

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2014, 14:22
by geeman

I want to remove the QR Code on the print layout page when you click the print icon and you see the print layout, how can i remove this QR Code

I´m not bothered either if it goes from the main listing page also.



Re: Removal of QR Code on Print Page

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2014, 17:13
by andipas
The file \protected\modules\apartments\views\_tab_general.php

Remove code

Code: Select all
if (param('qrcode_in_listing_view'1)) {
'<div class="floatright ' . ($data->is_special_offer 'qrcode_spec' 'qrcode') . '" >';
$this->widget('application.extensions.qrcode.QRCodeGenerator', array(
'data' => $data->URL,
'filename' => 'listing_' $data->id '-' Yii::app()->language '.png',
'matrixPointSize' => 3,
'fileUrl' => Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(true) . '/uploads',
'color' => array(3372131),

Re: Removal of QR Code on Print Page

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2014, 18:19
by geeman
Sorry i can not find the code in this file?

Could it be somewhere else...



Re: Removal of QR Code on Print Page

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2014, 09:20
by andipas
QR Code on Print Page, see the file \protected\modules\apartments\views\view_print.php

Code: Select all

->widget('application.extensions.qrcode.QRCodeGenerator', array(
'data' => $model->URL,
'filename' => 'listing_' $model->id '-' Yii::app()->language '.png',
'matrixPointSize' => 3,
'fileUrl' => Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(true) . '/uploads',