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hwo to show all tabs in TYPE_RENTING mode

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2014, 11:22
by saha66

I want to know how is it possible to display all tabs in TYPE_RENTING mode when adding listings?

I want to it be just like TYPE_SALE and TYPE_RENT.

Thanks in advance

Re: hwo to show all tabs in TYPE_RENTING mode

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2014, 14:59
by Foton
Could you please describe in details what you mean? Screenshots would be appreciated

Re: hwo to show all tabs in TYPE_RENTING mode

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2014, 10:27
by saha66
Thanks for your reply,

For example I want to add listing with Rent property to smb Type, as you can see (in Open_Real_Estate_FREE_-_2014-12-07_10.49.15.png attachment) all tabs (General,Addition,Photos for listing,Panorama,Video,Map) will be displayed.

But when I changed Type to Buy or Rent property from smb I just see to tabs (General,Addition), (please check another attachment) though I want to see all tabs for this two Types like other Types.

Thanks in advance

Re: hwo to show all tabs in TYPE_RENTING mode

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 16:16
by fisher
in Free version there is no special form editor like in paid Pro version. That is why it can be modified only in the database. It takes time to describe all such modifocations. If you like us to make such customization, it would be a paid service. You can leave your message in our contact form.