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How to disable Booking module/button

PostPosted: 23 Sep 2015, 20:53
by shimonp
Hello, I am a new to this software, so I apologize if this is trivia, but I could not find an answer (and search for Booking says it's a common work, so it won't search)

I need my property to be listed for rent. I am not sure what's the purpose of the Booking button, but it sounds like appropriate for hotel business. If private person rents his own property booking does not make any sense.

However, I cannot find a way (except to go to the code and disable it) to remove Booking module property. I just want my property to be listed, not booked, commented, complained etc. I do like ability for site's visitor to be able to contact me (and this part works well)

So, what's the big deal with this Booking functionality? Why is it not configurable? Or is it?


Re: How to disable Booking module/button

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2015, 09:28
by Xpycm

'Booking' button is displayed only for 'To Rent' listings.
There's no a special setting to remove this button from the site.

For classic theme: themes/classic/views/modules/apartments/_view.php file

For atlas theme: themes/atlas/views/modules/apartments/view.php file

comment/delete the line:
Code: Select all
if(($data->owner_id != Yii::app()->user->getId()) && $data->type == Apartment::TYPE_RENT && !$data->deleted){
    echo '<div>'.CHtml::link(tt('Booking'), array('/booking/main/bookingform', 'id' => $data->id), array('class' => 'apt_btn fancy')).'</div><div class="clear"></div>';

2) Commenting might be turned off in Settings area of the admin panel

3) We can remove complaints and other options for an extra charge. Submit your customization request here: