Errors of the version 1.32.0

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Errors of the version 1.32.0

Postby support » 05 Apr 2020, 17:07

Errors of the version 1.32.0
Last edited by support on 17 Apr 2020, 09:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Errors of the version 1.32.0

Postby andipas » 09 Apr 2020, 11:01

To setting the visual editor for the ”Description” field, run the SQL command in the database. Instead of "PREFIX_" substitute your prefix for the table.
Code: Select all

`PREFIX_configuration` (`id`, `type`, `section`, `name`, `value`, `allowEmpty`, `date_updated`) VALUES
(NULL,    'bool',    'apartment',    'descriptionUseEditor',    '1',    0,    '2020-03-29 14:50:19');

To work the table view in Free and BASIC versions, you need to make the following changes in the files:

In protected / helpers / HApartment.php
after code:
Code: Select all

    public static function getLocationString
(Apartment $model, $sep = ', ', $withAddress = false)

Code: Select all

(issetModule('tariffPlans') && !TariffPlans::checkAllowShowAddress()){
            return Yii::t('module_tariffPlans', 'Please <a href="{n}">change the tariff plan</a> to view', Yii::app()->controller->createUrl('/tariffPlans/main/index'));

In the file themes/atlas/views/modules/apartments/views/widgetApartments_list_table.php

Change the code:
Code: Select all

'header' => tt('Address''apartments'),
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => 'TariffPlans::checkAllowShowAddress() ? CHtml::encode(HApartment::getLocationString($data, ", ", true)) : Yii::t(\'module_tariffPlans\', \'Please <a href="{n}">change the tariff plan</a> to view\', Yii::app()->controller->createUrl(\'/tariffPlans/main/index\'))',
'visible' => $canShowAddress,
'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'ap-view-table-address'),

Code: Select all

                'header' => tt('Address', 'apartments'),
                'type' => 'raw',
                'value' => 'HApartment::getLocationString($data, ", ", true)',
                'visible' => $canShowAddress,
                'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'ap-view-table-address'),
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