The Pro Version gor Creashed when activating a new language

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The Pro Version gor Creashed when activating a new language

Postby mrlee0211 » 13 Jul 2021, 05:20

Hi there,

I just bought the real estate Pro version and try to install a new language in system , since I finished the installation, it was crashed and just show:"CException
Property "City.name_zh_hant" is not defined." now when I activated the new language. I don't know what happen and don't how to fixed it, the whole sebsite cannot not run wholely and cannot login to the admin page. It is quite disappointed cause it will let me worry about the same sudden crash in future when we have real client. *WALL*

I attached the the error and hopes someone can help. *HELP*

Thanks a lot! :-)
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Re: The Pro Version gor Creashed when activating a new langu

Postby Xpycm » 13 Jul 2021, 07:49


What version Open Real Estate are you using?

What version PHP and MySQL/MariaDB are you using? Minimum system requirements -
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