Errors of the version 1.19.1

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Errors of the version 1.19.1

Postby support » 11 Dec 2016, 10:11

The errors of the version Open Real Estate 1.19.1
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Re: Errors of the version 1.19.1

Postby MrBobby » 16 Nov 2019, 01:37

I am using ORE Free version 1.19.1
Today I am getting this error ...

Error 500
Array to string conversion

When I try to update a listing

Thanks for your help
Mr Bobby
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Re: Errors of the version 1.19.1

Postby Foton » 18 Nov 2019, 13:03

Your version is rather old, it needs an intervention by our experts to understand what's wrong. Please use the contact form to estimate this work. We will try to help you.
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