Show listings based on types

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Show listings based on types

Postby saha66 » 19 Sep 2014, 23:18


I want to show listings based on types, for example put a link for all Rent listings.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Show listings based on types

Postby Koduc » 23 Sep 2014, 07:57

Take a look to the page URL after search. You can use parameters for your purposes.
For a example, http://you_site/en/search?apType=3 shows all "rent by the day" listings
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Re: Show listings based on types

Postby saha66 » 27 Sep 2014, 17:53

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I think that there is problem in script.

When I select a listing the 'date_updated' column in {{apartment}} table will update and i did not find a query in script that query the database for this change.

I do not want this column to be updated just with select a listing.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Show listings based on types

Postby support » 27 Sep 2014, 19:47

protected\modules\install\data\open-re-full.sql file

Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{dbPrefix}apartment`
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