Module 'Posting of listings to social networks' settings

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Module 'Posting of listings to social networks' settings

Postby Xpycm » 03 Apr 2016, 07:38

Twitter authorization setting:
1) Authorize in Twitter
2) Open the page
3) Add application
4) Add to application permissions to read, write, and direct messaging. For that, you're supposed to put your phone number here: ... nt-via-web
5) Insert API key and API secret in the admin panel
6) Insert Access token and Access token secret. If you don't have any, generate them by clicking on "Create my access token" in API Keys tab.
7) Activate 'Use Twitter authorization' authorization setting:
1) Authorize in
2) Add appication here ( Standalone ) -
3) Insert application identifier in the admin panel.
4) Insert user's ID in the admin panel ('My settings' area)
5) Get Token by the link - ... type=token
where YOUR_APPLICATION_ID is application indetifier
Once the token is put into the browser, you will see a set of characters after "#access_token=" and until "&expires_in"
6) Insert the received token in the admin panel
7) Activate 'Use VKontakte authorization'
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Re: Module 'Posting of listings to social networks' settings

Postby DennisM » 05 Sep 2018, 13:12

Does authorization setting still work? I'm having issues with it. Did something change?
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Re: Module 'Posting of listings to social networks' settings

Postby Foton » 06 Sep 2018, 11:41

What issues do you have?
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Re: Module 'Posting of listings to social networks' settings

Postby tecnovent » 02 Jan 2019, 14:40

DennisM wrote:Does authorization setting still work? I'm having issues with it. Did something change?

+1, not working
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Re: Module 'Posting of listings to social networks' settings

Postby Xpycm » 02 Jan 2019, 17:02

Hello, see attached files

For "Authorized redirect url" use: YOUR_DOMAIN/site/login/vkontakte For exapmple:
vk_1.jpg (32.4 KiB) Viewed 106919 times
vk_2.jpg (48.19 KiB) Viewed 106919 times
vk_3.jpg (140.3 KiB) Viewed 106919 times
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