Errors of the version 1.25.7

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Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby support » 21 Nov 2018, 19:09

Errors of the version 1.25.7
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby marco78 » 23 Oct 2019, 12:44

Dears in monoray,
 I have purchased an ultimate version of your script, version ( 1.25.7 ). I decided to make 2 websites, for real estate and other for cars by following the unusual way method usage of the script . but i am still facing a serious issue.
the issue is :
i added a new reference type to build an AUTO website, I choose the type ( car ) .i created in the category of references a new category ( types of car ), i added then the values of the types of car , I added the field in the form editor as a reference , then I used ( edit the search form) to to add (car types) to search form.i found the reference in the right side , i clicked on car section on the left and i added ( car types ). but whenever i go back to search for car on the main page in the search bar , the search is not functioning and the results come as a white page with few listing commands on the left side .. if I remove the ( car type ) from the search form , everything goes well. and the search goes fine .
I see this in the basis theme, when I change the theme to atlas. I can easy add the car type to search form and everything goes fine. I mean the issue is only in basis theme in this version.
what is the solution ?
In the real estate website I have not seen the problem because I did not make any changes on the reference types, so The search on the main page was functioning correctly.I tried to do something before to contact you. I have purchased a new domain and I tried to install the script from the zero point to build a new wine website, just to try if the search bar will be ok if i delete the default property types, I just tried to use only one reference same as in the example you gave in your demo main page ( different usage of the script) for example the wine .. I add new reference type and i tried to add new type of wine but the problem existed again. 
i just tried to add a new type for the real estate site which was working very good and the result is faulty searching and same problem exists.
so all my websites are not functioning correctly right now *WALL* ..
any solution please ?
another question , how many reference types am i able to add ? i see that you use (8 ) so what is the maximum number ? the search functioning or the seo will be effected if i add new reference types ?
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby Xpycm » 23 Oct 2019, 17:31


Uhhh, 1.25.7 version ... old version ... ok. What is your domain name (website url)?
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby marco78 » 25 Oct 2019, 00:17

hi ,
both websites i told you about are under construction, i tried hard to find a solution , anyway i have a one website i am building these days and the proplem is totally clear ,
the website is
i have exactly followed the instruction of installation , before to do anything i deleted the demo listings then i deleted the references and i have added 3 references types cars+ vans+ motorbikes ,
i added a category and values ( type of cars ), whenever i try to add the type of car to search form , it will appear the page which i have attached below , and the search can not count how many cars in the listings. and i can not see (car type ) in the search bar in the main page , but if i remove the car type from the search form , everything goes ok , this problem is in my all 3 websites i want to design ( the problem in basis theme only ) in atlas is perfectly fine .
and i want to add that i tried yesterday to install the script version which i have , i used simple one reference type which is ( wine type ) . the problem appeared again .
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby Xpycm » 25 Oct 2019, 09:11


Please provide info of:
1) PHP version?
2) MySQL/MariaDB version?
3) PHP memory_limit? (MB)

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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby marco78 » 25 Oct 2019, 14:07



MYSQL VERSION : Server version: 5.6.44-cll-lve -


Apache version : 2.4.39
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby marco78 » 25 Oct 2019, 15:10

i have upgraded all the values required to be accepted by the installation requirements , only one value i could not which is mysql version because godaddy ( the host ) has no this option .
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby Xpycm » 25 Oct 2019, 16:01

Do you have a possibility to transfer your MySQL to 5.7.20 version and to make the setting sql-mode in value "" (sql-mode="") in the MySQL configuration file? Please ask this question to your hoster service.
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby marco78 » 28 Oct 2019, 16:15

dear friend
godaddy host has maximum 5.6
i have changed the host , the new host has all needed requirements .
i have sent you an email explaining what i have done because the issue is still existing even after changing the host .
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Re: Errors of the version 1.25.7

Postby marco78 » 28 Oct 2019, 16:38

The problem which i have explained is still existed , the problem is in my all websites ( no website is launched yet because of the problem ) , honestly i never expected this result because i know the script is good but the problem is somewhere and i am not able to deal with it any more , i have explained in the forum my issue so i am sure the developers know my issue and my big hope to get their big assistance to fix this issue .
as i have explained before , the issue is whenever i do any change , even little change in the references or in the search form , i get errors and do not get the correct results in the search bar .
let me explain in details again .
i have the archive zipped file of the script version 1.25.7 which i purchased from you . i upload it in one file in public_html has the name of the website using cpanel file manager then i followed the steps which you have explained in the way to install ( permissions ) then i filled the table of installation ,after installation and changing the permission again , then the website is ready .
first thing i do is to delete the listings then delete the referneces which i do not need , i made the needed changes in the categories of references the the values . i gave example the type of car . in the form editor i added new field for car type then in the search form at the top in the same page i added the car type to (car) sector in search form . the problem is that i do not get car type in the main search bar and is not counting how many cars i have and in addition to that , whenever i click on the cities in the widget or on the listing itself i get white page with few words on the side or ( Call to undefined method Apartment::convertPriceToType() ) .
in the forum the developer asked me to check the requirement for installation so because of the requirement needed , i have changed the host , the new host has all the requirements ( it is hosting 24 ) , i have installed the script copy that i have in the same way i have explained before , step by step , but the issue again have existed .
one colleague told me to make same changes on real estate demo to see if i am doing some wrong steps especially when i change the references and in the search form , so i tried the changes in your demo , it worked fine without any problem and i could see the car type i the search bar .
i became sure that the issue might really be in my ( zipped archive copy version that i have ) because no chance after all of that to have same problem in all my websites , same issue all the time , i mean the issue is connected with only one website , it is in my all websites .
i can provide the credentials info if you would like to check the cpanel and the version .
the new host has replied ( yes we do run MySQL 5.7.20 :) As for the sql-mode setting, please ask does he refer to php extensions?) and he said (since our MariaDB version is 10.2 it is equivalent to MySQL 5.7 as for sql-mode, I need a bit more detail on that)
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