How fix Module Geo?

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How fix Module Geo?

Postby dipold » 07 Jan 2020, 03:08

I accessed the demo site from a proxy in New York.

In the search bar, Country, Region and City was selected, as can be seen in the attached print. OK.

So I add Country Brazil, Region Parana and City Marshal Candido Rondon, but the search bar (Module Geo) was unable to locate these locations.

The SxGeoCity.dat file has such locations registered from what I could see.

Any suggestions what could be going wrong?
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Re: How fix Module Geo?

Postby Foton » 10 Jan 2020, 11:22

Please, try to modify to conform the identifiers of added countries, regions and cities with the Sypex Geo base.
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Re: How fix Module Geo?

Postby dipold » 14 Jan 2020, 05:32

Ok, I get it .. but unfortunately the location module doesn't allow the identifiers to be entered, forcing to do it directly in the database ..
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Re: How fix Module Geo?

Postby andipas » 14 Jan 2020, 08:46

Module "Geo" works only with default database of countries, regions and cities, which is provided with module "Location".
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